Thursday 3 November 2022

 1) Write an analysis of the episode - using notes from the screening in class. Make specific, detailed reference to moments in the text using media terminology (e.g. media language - camera shots and movement, editing, diegetic/non-diegetic sound, mise-en-scene etc.)

Camerawork, editing and sound: music theme tune 

Mise-en-scene: main charter Spanish theme for the background 

Narrative and genre: sifi acton 

You can access our notes from our close-textual analysis in class here - you'll need your Greenford Google login to open this.

2) How does His Dark Materials fit the conventions of the fantasy TV genre?
the main chatere is young so the younger aged people can see them self there and bring the father or mother along to watch

3) Applying Prop's character theory, what character roles do some of the main characters in His Dark Materials fit into? the main character is a woman and is break the stereotype of the women being weak and the men being strong

4) What enigma and action codes (Barthes) can you find in His Dark Materials? Make specific, detailed reference to the
text using media terminology (e.g. media language - camera shots, diegetic/non-diegetic sound, mise-en-scene etc.)

5) What examples of binary opposition (Levi-Strauss) can you find in His Dark Materials? How do these create narrative or drama for the audience? You can find reminder notes on all these narrative theories here - just scroll down to narrative. 


1) How are women represented in His Dark Materials? Are gender stereotypes reinforced or subverted? Think about Lyra and Mrs Coulter here. the stereotype of women is that the women is weak and need a man to live but the main two charter  are both women this break the stereotypes 

2) How are men and masculinity represented in His Dark Materials? Think about Will and Lee Scoresby here.. Lyra is a strong, independent female character who doesn't need or want help from anyone on her dangerous quest across different worlds. She can't cook, isn't bothered by her appearance and takes what she wants. Mrs Coulter also subverts female stereotypes as a cold heart villain. She is actually Lyra's mother but displays none of the maternal stereotypes the media usually presents as typically female.

3) How is age (e.g. teenagers; older people) represented in His Dark Materials? Does the show reinforce or challenge stereotypes about young people? Think about Lyra and Will plus the abandoned children they meet. Also think about Mrs Coulter and other adults. age is a 
 stereotypes young person is a young weak person who need help from their father or mother but the youngest people in the TV show are the main people in the show showing 

4) How is race and ethnicity represented in His Dark MaterialsAre stereotypes reinforced or subverted?
he character of Will subverts stereotypes of race and ethnicity as well as gender. However, some stereotypes are reinforced - the abandoned children in in older shows it show other ethnicity from white people are not the main people in the show and show as weak and need help from the white but in the show is break the stereotypes of people of other colour and genders being weak.  

5) How are politiciansreligion and people with power represented? Think about how the Magisterium are shown in this episode. the power of men and women is on the women.Women make more bigger move compare to men.women can manipulate the men into make decision that help the women grow the power over the men.

Mock exams learner response: blog tasks

  1 ) Type up any comments you can find in your papers - these may be on individual questions or at the end of the paper. Alternatively, wri...