Tuesday 30 November 2021

editing blog task

 1) Watch the first minute of the clip. How many times does it cut? (This is when the shot changes - the first cut in the scene is after 9 seconds).  there were 9 cut in the first minute.

2) How does the pace (speed) of cuts change between 1 minute and 1.30?The pace cuts out between every  1:00 to 1:30.

3) Why is the scene emotional for the audience to watch?
 when  he was alive people saw him as a loser but now people loves his work

Extension tasks

4) How is juxtaposition (two shots placed next to each other) used at 1.58 to create meaning for the audience? 

5) What do you think is the most important shot in this scene and why? 

Tuesday 23 November 2021

camerawork analysis


1) Pick three camera shots from the scene and explain what type of shot it is and what meanings or effect they have on the audience.


medium close up to understand the people face 


medium to see all the people one shot.


extreme close up to try to understand what going on their mind 



2) Pick one camera angle that is used in the scene and explain the effect it has on the audience.

 long shot because you can see all the people faces

3) Pick one aspect of camera movement in the clip. Identify the type of camera movement and write about why the director chose to use that camera movement in the scene and what effect it has on the audience.


4) Pick one aspect of editing in the clip and write about what it tells the audience.


Mock exams learner response: blog tasks

  1 ) Type up any comments you can find in your papers - these may be on individual questions or at the end of the paper. Alternatively, wri...