Tuesday 21 September 2021

Key Concepts

1) How can you tell this is a film poster? Identify at least one key convention or typical feature that tells you this is a film poster (e.g. title, tagline, age rating etc.)

The tagline Just because you're invited, doesn't mean you're welcome. Do you belong in this neighbourhood sound like sound something is going to happen. it want you to watch the movie and find out .

2) What type of film is it? How can you tell? Try and write about specific things on the poster to explain your answer.

 I can tell this movie is all about horror because the age group 15 and up.This show you need to be an older to understand this movie. 

3) What audience do you think the film is aimed at? How can you tell? Explain why you think it is aimed at that particular audience and refer to things on the poster that provide evidence for this.

Young adults and older teenagers. This movie is not aimed at kids because there and to young to understand
 the meaning of the movie. The image of horror on the man's face as well as how he seems to be screaming tells us it deals with scary ideas. Not suitable for children. 
Get Out (2017) - IMDb

Tuesday 14 September 2021

Key Concepts Film Poster Analysis


1) How can you tell this is a film poster? Identify at least one key convention or typical feature That tells you this is a film poster (e.g. title, tagline, age rating etc.)

 The name Netflix  is all about movie and TV shows. This TV show is from 16 and older. This show the show is all about death  and bloody. It hard for a kid to manage.
2) What type of film is it? How can you tell? Try and write about specific things on the poster to explain your answer.
This movie is about an group of people robbing an bank can using the people to make money but with people from the inside the fall.

3) What audience do you think the film is aimed at? How can you tell? Explain why you think it is aimed at that

 Particular audience and refer to things on the poster that provide evidence for this. 
 This TV show age group of late teenager and young adult.


Tuesday 7 September 2021

First 5 questions


1) Which bit of Media are you looking forward to most?
Most people use social media to get their news and to know what happening in the world. to connect  with friends and family.

2) What knowledge and skills do you hope to learn in Media?
I hope to new to start an good blog and lean how to use an props in movies

3) What grade are you realistically hoping to achieve in Media?
I hope to pass with an grade 5 and be know how to make  a film that is good to watch. 

4) What was the last TV programme or film you watched?
The TV show i  last watch the Money Heist.This is about Eight thieves take hostages and lock themselves in the Royal Mint of Spain as a criminal mastermind manipulates the police to carry out his plan

5) What technology have you used to access the media in the last 24 hours? (Radio, TV, phone etc.)

I use my phone to call people and use my PC to play games with my friend

Dr Who was an great TV show,that the end where the man stated to change into an new body the where bright light with music building up to he part of the scene.The best bit for me was right at the end where it end on an cliffhanger. 

Mock exams learner response: blog tasks

  1 ) Type up any comments you can find in your papers - these may be on individual questions or at the end of the paper. Alternatively, wri...