Tuesday 22 February 2022

Industries: Ownership and Control

 1) What is vertical integration? What are the benefits of vertical integration for media companies? Vertical integration is when a company buy the thing they need to work like a movie company will buy a cinema to get the money from them getting them more money. 

2) What is horizontal integration? What are the benefits of horizontal integration for media companies? horizontal integration  when a company like Facebook(meta) will buy Instagram to stop opposite company from getting up to the viewer base

3) What is synergy?  
Media synergy arises when the combined effect or impact of a number of media activities is different from the. sum of their individual effects on individual consumers.

4) Give an example of a brand that appears across different media products and platforms. disney (toy story)  product  will be sold as t-shirt and toys to spead the word of the movie 

5) Research the different companies that are part of the Disney media empire. This BBC article on Disney buying 21st Century Fox might help. First, list 5 companies 
that are owned by Disney. This graphic may help you: 

  • ABC.
  • ESPN (80% stake)
  • Touchstone Pictures.
  • Marvel.
  • Lucas film.
  • Pixar
  • Hollywood Records
  • Vice Media (10% stake)
  • Core Publishing

1) Look at the BBC article linked above. Why did Disney buy Fox - what are the benefits?

to get more money and get more people knowing about the company or removing company who where chase up to them

2) Now read this article from Recode about Facebook’s acquisition of InstagramWhy did Facebook buy Instagram for $1bn in 2012?

because instagram were slowly get up the facebook (meta) and mark knew facebook was going to dying sooner then later so he bought instagram to keep facebook one of the most popular platform to use. 

Tuesday 8 February 2022

the one of the first shot are an establish shot show one of the main character call the Professor  telling one of his man call by his nickname Berlin fight off the police one of the main character from the police force named Suarez  trying to kill him and to end the heist. The establish shot last for 2 seconds and move onto the next shot. The establish shot show us the group has leaved but are waiting for Berlin to leave. 

'Media assessment learner response

 Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential). to understand the connotations and evaluate choices in media text 

2) Write down the mark you achieved for each question: 

Q1: 1
Q2: 0



Q 6:2


3) Did you get any media terminology wrong in the assessment? If yes, make a note of it here for future revision: I have missed use connotations 

4) Identify one of your stronger questions. Why did you do better on this question? Q1 because it is is one the easy 
question to answer 

5) Identify one of your weaker questions. Why did you score lower on this question?

Q7 because you needed a lot of detail and see the real reason the ad was posted, and you needed to read between the line. 

Mock exams learner response: blog tasks

  1 ) Type up any comments you can find in your papers - these may be on individual questions or at the end of the paper. Alternatively, wri...